Friday, June 4, 2010

66. Good Soil

It's no secret that of late I've been adrift in a sea of Goodness: The homies are converging on my Beloved Chicago. I'm sharing an intellectual home with my favorite living writer. And last week I had a perfect view of the second sexiest man alive as he serenaded me with some of the smoothest grooves you ever did hear. So there hasn't been much complaining in PuffLand lately.

There has been a lot of reflecting though. On the one hand, I feel like I owe the universe quite a few favors. On the other hand, the last few weeks have been an interesting counter-balance to a series of L's I've taken over the last year or so.

All this got me to thinking about the things that we reap in life. Some of it I think is random. Into every life some rain must fall. Nothing you can do about it. But a lot of it I think is, if not under our control, at least subject to our influence. We reap some of what we sow. Some of it is lost to chance.

Understanding that, I've made up my mind to sow my seeds in good soil. This will mean passing on some things that would give me a return for a while, but that might very well fail in a critical moment. It means passing on prospects with bad knees and questionable work ethics, however good their numbers are coming out of college. It means walking away from some of the beautiful things, or at least not embracing them so tightly. It means thinking long-term, which I'm okay with. I plan to be here for a while.

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