Wednesday, September 29, 2010

140. Post Secret

Don't tell anyone, but this blog has completely taken over my writing life.  On some level, that was the point.  Writing in public gives me something to be accountable for.  Can't not post for two weeks if you expect folks to come through on a regular basis and read your writing.  But I used to write in other places, and in other voices, and I'm not doing that anymore.

My original goal for the blog was to average a post a day.  Now I think that may be too much.  Not because it's difficult, but because I'm almost too willing to do it.  It's as if, given a place to write, I'll always find something to say.  Who knew?  I thought it would be a chore... something I'd have to discipline myself into.  It's turning out to be something I have to pull myself away from.  Not entirely, but enough to make some mental room for other things.

I'm thinking 10-20 posts a month should do it.  No more than 20.  It should probably be no more than 15.  No more than every other day.  That'd give me a bit of a break to think about and work on other things.  And it would free me to digest things without imagining them in paragraph form with Google Images attached.  I think I need that.

And on that note, I'm off for a week. 

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