Wednesday, August 11, 2010

100. The Joy of Pixar

Last month  I treated myself and one of the junior homies to a movie and ice cream for our birthdays.  We saw Toy Story 3 and stopped by Baskin Robbins.  I highly recommend both.  Especially the movie.

When I came home raving about how good it was, my mother and sister looked at me like I must be over-hyping it.  When I insisted that it was great and that I cried little girl tears at the end, my sister gave me the side-eye. But oh, how things change.

Last night we watched a CNBC special on the rise of Pixar.  It went through the entire studio line-up in order of release, starting with the original Toy Story and ending with Up.  It's surprising how much animated goodness that studio has produced.

There are the three Toy Stories (clearly the crown jewel of the Pixar Empire), Monster's Inc., and Finding Nemo, all of which I really enjoyed.  That's 5 for 11 so far.  I skipped A Bug's Life, Cars, Ratatouille, and Up, but I really wanna see Ratatouille.  The Incredibles was alright and Wall-E wasn't bad for a movie I'll only watch once in my life.  What other studio can say that at least every other film they release is a certified banger?

And seriously... Toy Story 3... so worth 11 of your hard-earned dollars.  To my amazement there were maybe 60 people in the theater that day and maybe 6 of them were under 18.  They really did a great job developing those characters.  And '3' introduces a whole new cast of characters that are fairly awesome in their own right.  When I tell you that I was surreptitiously wiping away tears in the last five minutes so my 9 year-old companion wouldn't see me crying.. yeah... it was that deep.

I do love me some animated goodness.

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