Wednesday, May 19, 2010

41. Team Work

I told you my team was nice. One of the homies is reading a slave novel. She trips a lyric fantastic in her spare time:

I am [now reading] Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende. It’s like watching a car accident, a collision of metal, glass and soft, meaty human bodies, in slow motion. Into the blender, hit mix, tear flesh from bone, coat the glass red, hemoglobin run a muck under the relentless pressure of some outside violence, ignore the scream of the gears, the turning blades as bone matter resists, but, no, push through, taking, tearing, plunging forward simply because you have the power to do so. Rip apart, swirl together, then call it pacification, christianization, civilization, natural order of Man.

- Nuñez Daughter

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